Speculative Look At Big Foots Evolution
Whilst being no expert at all in the study of
human evolution nor do I pretend to be!! Truthseekers !!! But something struck a cord in me here -
And having done no small amount of research I've
come to this conclusion that - bigfoot, sasquatch or whatever this particular
name you care to call this Cryptid!! Now dear Truthseekers !! This
particular theorem can be applied to the north American/ Canadian Bigfoot and
the various Hominid Cryptids' around the world - But, for all intents and
purposes we are going to be discussing this theory as it applies in this blog
to the Northern Americas' Hominid Cryptids i.e. Big foot Sasquatch, Grassman
Whoa now here it comes, my proposed theory and it is
this ( And, Oh dearest Truthseekers !! It's a doozey !!) :
To which
Archaic Ancient Human ancestral linage
is the bigfoot, Yuerin, Alma and Yeti are part off ? Are they a Lazarus species
Long thought to be dead and gone? But, have survived in some isolated places
in the world? Or are they a would be of
shoot-off of our ancient cousin's maybe ?! Or is it possible that
these Archaic Humans never went extinct ? Could it be that environments such
as Alaska, Siberia et al, now it is worth mentioning that these environs
have not changed at all and have relatively remained the same since the last
ice age. if they have the changed in the intervening period. The environmental
impact of the change would have been so slight and probably would not have had
that greater impact on the associated flora or the fauna that are indigenous to
those respective areas.
Whilst conducting my research into these area's of
paleoanthropology - I happened upon one of our Archaic Human Ancestors, Whom at the time period it was Living in circa: 600 - 200
thousand years ago and was living in Asia, Africa and Europe at those times.
Now, dear Truthseekers, Homo
Heidelbergensis was outright A beast of an Ancient Human Ancestors the biggest of Archaic Ancient Human Ancestors!! Dr.
Lee Berger, a professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at the
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa - Has stated that some populations of
Homo heidelbergensis grew to heights of, on average 6 - 7 feet. However, Dr.
Berger has also stated that some grew in excess of 7 feet.
Homo heidelbergensis physique wise was more physically robust than its modern human progeny and had a cranial
capacity similar to that of modern humans. Their bodies were made for hunting
the large Mega Fauna animals of the Middle Pleistocene and at close range,
possibly even wrestling down their prey!!
Our rather large ancestors are said to be possibly the
species that modern humans and Neanderthals geniuses could be evolved from. Now,
Homo Heidelbergensis originated in Africa and some of the populations of Homo
Heidelbergensis migrated to Europe and developed shorter, stockier bodies,
eventually evolving into Homo neanderthalensis. The Neanderthals as we knew by
fossil evidence later became extinct circa: roughly 40 thousand year. Homo
Heidelbergensis in Africa possibly and eventually evolved into Homo
sapiens (??).
Now, dearest Truthseekers, lets theorize something,
here - This particular ancestor evolved into not one, but two distinct and
separate species of the Homo Genius- Now, is it to much of a far cry to
consider that they could have evolved into another third type Human
Evolutionary wise, as we know by other parts of the
animal kingdom- anything is possible!! Truthseekers. However, what if, this
species of proto man not only evolved into yet another species- but, literally,
developed the traits that it took to survive the Middle Pleistocene? And what
if, instead of losing the traits, such as large body sizes, hairy bodies,
nocturnal lives, etc.- evolutionary wise, they kept theses survival traits
because these traits were not broke and evolution didn't need to fix
them, improve on them or make them better - These survival traits just simply
worked and worked well. And Homo Heidelbergensis or as it may have evolved into
Now, dearest Truthseekers, there are many, many such
examples of this type of continual survival traits in so many differing species
around the world and historically!! Truthseekers! And there are consistent and
constant examples of continual evolution of species i.e. Polar Bears, Macaque,
Could it be that these survival and evolutionary
traits and the fact that the northern American states and Canadian Territories
are countries that are relatively infant countries. They were only really
mainly explored and colonized a mere 3 century ago. Has this partial
exploration of this continent allowed this species of Archaic Man to elude the
scrutinizing nature of their Hominid cousins- the Homo Sapiens.
And given the fact that Homo Heidelbergensis also had
cannibalistic traits to the species as studies of Homo heidelbergensis fire pit and food remains (fossilisation, ??) would
suggest. This would also be a good reason as any to account for the fact we
never find any remains - If Homo Heidelbergensis was a cannibal maybe Big foots
are as well!!, Food for thought Truthseekers!! No pun intended.
So if we use the famous Atapuerca 5 Homo
Heidelbergensis skull as a reference and then take look at profile of a
sasquatch/ Big foot face and its a perfect fit - There is a sagittal crest,
there is a large cranial capacity, the top of brow ridge immediately recedes
instead of forming a forehead and the large orbital bones house large eyes. If
we throw on some hair all over and you have something that seems to bare a
striking match to eyewitness descriptions, sighting and reports.
By Jak
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