Tuesday 1 March 2016

mysterious crystal skulls

The enigmatic allure of the  mysterious Mayan Crystal Skulls.

Are there unknown mystical powers that lay hidden within the crystal skulls, that are just waiting to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world?  Who exactly made these strange objects? And When and where were these mysterious objects created? What was these mysterious items purpose?

Now, dear Truthseekers!! Many questions have arisen about the many crystal skulls which have appeared at different times in the past couple of centuries.

Some have tried to  answer the questions'  surrounding these most mysterious of objects.

During the intervening years a whole wealth of myths, legends, hypotheses, and theories have sprung up around these enigmatic crystalline objects. There has been much speculation by many many different researchers through out the years and some have even tried to answer the questions that surround the mysterious crystal skulls. But as ever dearest Truthseekers!! The truth behind them, however, remains far more elusive and enigmatic, than maybe most are readily willing to accept.

Okay, now then Truthseekers - Perhaps the most famous crystal skull that was ever discovered, was found in 1924 by Anna Mitchell-Hedges.

It was during an expedition to the Mayan ruins of Lubaantum, which located in modern-day Belize and at the time of the skulls finding was a part of the British Empire.
Whilst, the mitchell- Hedges exploration party were searching for the lost city of Atlantis.

It is worth giving some background information on Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges.

Dear Truthseekers -  F. Mitchell- Hedges  was also known at times as Mike Hedges. Mitchell- Hedges was an English adventurer, traveller, and writer. However, many of his finding have been called into question and in some cases have called unreliable based on more recent reliable scientific evidence.

Anna Mitchell-Hedges ( who was adopted by Mitchell - Hedges)  has attested that she, her adopted father, and the others on the expedition at the “lost” city of Lubaantun,

"were digging in the temple, moving a heavy wall which had fallen on the altar…. I came upon the skull buried beneath the altar, but it was some three months later before the jaw was found which was about 25 feet away.”

Skull itself was made  of pure quartz crystal. Both the mandible and the skull were created from the same rock. Now except for some minor anomalies. The skull is in itself quite anatomically perfect. Now, there is a possibility of the skull being representation of a female skull- this conclusion was arrived at due to the skulls smaller size of 12.7 cm in height while its weight is around 5 kg.

The prisms located at the base as the hand-polished lenses of the eyes are combination of crystal that produces an incredible shine.

The Crystal skull, which is perfectly carved out of rock crystal, has a high degree of hardness and according to modern science is a seven out of ten on the Mohs scale.

During the early 1970's - This strange and enigmatic object was studied by an independent restorer by the name of Frank Dorland, who estimated it may have been chiselled in basic form. This could have been achieved by using diamonds and then the crystal skull would have been polished to perfection. And According to Dorland, the mysterious crystal skulls it at least 12,000 years old.

A few years later, the skull was again examined by the laboratories of Hewlett-Packard after which a Mayan expert and archaeologist Norman Hammond studied it. But, Hammond warned that the holes showed signs of having been made with metal tools.

The first great mention of the crystal skull by F.A. Mitchell-Hedges is actually mentioned in the first edition of his autobiography, „Danger My Ally”, describing it as the “Skull of Doom” as “dating back at least 3,600 years, and taking about 150 years to rub down with sand”; the rock crystal, he exaggerated, was “nearly as hard as diamond.”

“It is stated in legend that it was used by a high priest of the Maya to concentrate on and will death.

It is also said to be the embodiment of all evil and baring a curse-  as several people who have cynically laughed at it have died, others have been mysteriously stricken down and have become seriously ill.”

Experts from the British Museum were among the several experts who analysed the skull, dating it to the Aztec civilization around 130 to 1400 AD.

Now, according to the natives who travelled with Mitchell-Hedges to Lubaantum reassure that the “skull of destiny” was at least 4000 years old.

Dearest Truthseekers!! There are actually quite a few other crystal skulls out there and most are on display the Museum of Mankind in London, England and at the Trocadero Museum in Paris, France.

Those other crystal skulls were actually discovered by members of the Mexican army in the 1890’s.

These Crystal Skulls were also carved out of pure quartz crystal. Although these were not as elaborate as the one discovered by Mitchell-Hedges.

The Crystal Skull located at the Museum of mankind is considered a “twin” of the skull discovered by Mitchell-Hedges since they are both almost identical except for one detail. The Mitchell-Hedges skull has a hinged jaw just like a real skull - whilst the one that is on display in England has a fixed jaw.

Many researchers, investigators, scientists et al. Have tried to expound many theories about the Crystal Skulls- There are some who link the mysterious crystal skulls with traditions and myths from Native Americans. While others have linked it to Plato’s mythical Atlantis. Some have even claimed that are  Extra- Terrestrial in origin.

Now Truthseekers, none of the theories are scientifically supported or sound. But, they continue to evoke the imagination and wonder of those interested in such them. Their exhibition at the two museums continually attracts thousands of people around the world and that they may be or not examples of pre-Columbian artistry in its finest form.
And as to whether or not these most mysterious of objects actually have magical powers, who knows!! Truthseekers.
However these strange Crystal skulls have an undeniable magnetism that has attracted the curiosity of explorers, scientists and researchers alike. They will continue to be shrouded in mystery until the truth of these strange and enigmatic Crystal Skulls is actually discovered.

By Jak wolffe

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