Tuesday 1 March 2016

The watcher from beyond - The Black Knight Satellite

The Enigmatic Watcher from Beyond – The Black Knight Satellite

The truth behind the Black Knight Satellite maybe far more strange and mysterious than was at first ever thought.

Many in the U.F.O. investigation and research communities have come to believe that this anomalous object, ( That is said to be locked in a geo- synchronous orbit around the Earth.) The B.K.S ( the Black Knight Satellite ) is in fact, an Extra-terrestrial satellite that had been sent to this planet to monitor mankind!!

The mysterious B. K. S. has been the subject of debate for Amongst both U.F.O and Supernatural investigator’s and researcher’s years.

While many believe the enigmatic & anomalous object, that is said to be locked in geo- synchronous orbit around one our planets’ poles is in fact just space debris.

But, here's a thought, dear Truthseeker’s- that if the mysterious object was, in fact, just another piece of space debris or junk. It does, perplexingly, just scream the question - why has the Black Knight Satellite been given so much attention and importance by various governments and space agencies?

Now their are others of the opinion that this enigmatic ‘artificial satellite’ is, in fact, an extra-terrestrial satellite, sent to Earth to monitor the Human Race.

According to urologist’s, the most striking part about the mysterious and enigmatic B. K. S. - is the fact that it is locked into polar orbit around Earth!

Now, you see Truthseeker’s, polar orbits are often used for earth-mapping, earth observation, capturing the earth as time passes from one point and, of course - reconnaissance satellites. And the fact  the B.K.S. is locked in a polar geo-synchronous orbit  would give the B. K. S. the classification of an observational Satellite.

Monitoring agencies around the world have reported picking up radio signals from the anomalous object for over 50 years now. The anomalous satellite has captured the interest of numerous governments around the world, including the government of the US, Russia, and China and there are even rumors that the Great Nikola Tesla - Who was one of the first to intercept signals from this “Alien” satellite. The signals that have been ‘ received’ from the B. K. S, as it were, are mysterious as the B.K.S itself. However, since the 1930’s Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio wave signals which allegedly emanates from the “Black Knight Satellite ”.

The St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “ Black  Satellite” on May 14th, 1954. The Time Magazine also wrote about it on the seventh of March, 1960.

Here is what they said about it:

Three weeks ago, headlines announced that the U.S. had detected a mysterious “dark” satellite wheeling overhead on a regular orbit. There was nervous speculation that it might be a surveillance satellite launched by the Russians, and it brought the uneasy sensation that the U.S. did not know what was going on over its own head. But last week the Department of Defence proudly announced that the satellite had been identified. It was a space derelict, the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray.

Even more intriguing though is the fact that noted a aviation company-  the Gruman Aircraft Corporation showed a marked interest in the alleged Alien Satellite. And on 3rd of September  1960. A mere seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight.

It was at that point, that people all over the world became aware of and started to theorise what the object in the sky was, why it was there and where it  could have came from. The mysterious B. K. S which can be seen as a red light moving in the sky at night. The B. K. S also moves at higher speed when compared to other satellites orbits. The enigmatic Black Knight Satellite or B. K. S moves in an East to West trajectory orbit.

In 1960 the same year as the enigmatic object was first detected by radar. The Black Knight Satellite was once again in located polar orbit. At the time astronomers and scientists had calculated that the object’s weight to be over 10 tons. Which would have made the B. K. S. at that time the heaviest artificial  satellite to be in synchronous orbit around planet.

Three years after allegedly spotting the Black Knight and when Gordon Cooper was launched into space. It is believed by some, that he actually reported seeing a mysterious UFO - with a glowing green object in front of his capsule off in the distance moving quickly towards his Spacecraft. 

The Muchea tracking station ( which is in Australia ) which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar traveling on an East to West trajectory.

According to believers that suggest that - we are being tracked and monitored by an alien satellite in polar orbit around Earth.

The extra-terrestrial satellite carries a mysterious message and originates from the Epsilon Bootes Star System. And it is claimed that the B. K. S was placed around Earth in current orbit around 13,000 years ago.

There are numerous enigmas and mysteries that surround the Black Knight. Today, we cannot know for sure whether we are looking at space debris (thermal Blanket) or something that could have originated from some distant otherworldly civilization.

Believers and sceptics alike will continue the ongoing debate - where both sides make good points supporting their theories.

It is worth considering that the truth behind the Black Knight Satellite does however, remain a profound mystery in the heavens above!!

If you still cannot decide whether the Black Knight Satellite is real or not? Dear Truthseeker’s, have a look at the mysterious object in the pictured in the photos throughout this blog – these images are from N.A.S.A. and the Russian Space Agency. And according to the reports the photos displays the mysterious Black Knight Satellite near the International Space Station.

By Jak Wolffe

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